Thursday, November 18, 2010


Nothing like a date with a tablet and Photoshop to destress myself. :)

And is anybody else totally excited for Black Friday? On that day, I'm for sure going to wipe out the (upper level of) Urban Outfitters. It's 50% off clearance items from 9 to 10--at least that's what went on last year. I'm dying for new dresses from Urban Outfitters, and possibly a clunky necklace. I've always wanted a clunky neckace!

And I need more pants. x3
I might check out Wal-Mart afterwards, just to see how congested with shoppers it is. Last time I went, there was an ambulance in the front. e_e

1 comment:

  1. WHOA are you serious?! That's insane! I didn't know Urban Outfitters was so cheap @_@

    Your picture is great as always ;) *faved*
