Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas~!

I don't have much to do on this ronery Chrismas Eve(still Christmas Eve here in California) other than blog. Ronery as in, my parents are no fun to hang out with and my sister is out with her questionable boyfriend. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. I don't even have anything holiday-related to blog about...

I could post some Elfster screenshots to troll show how wonderful my friends are to my miniscule amount of followers. By the way, Elfster is basically a website where you could set up gift exchanges, in this case, a Secret Santa. Then, you draw the names online(of course nobody else will know what name you get!) and then just post your wishlist, send anonymous questions to the anonymous person who you drew, or even send questions to the person drew you, all preparing up to the actual date of the gift exchange. Pretty convienient! The actual date of the Secret Santa I'm in isn't until Monday. I haven't bought my gift yet. Hehehe.

Meanwhile, the said Elfster screenshots(with the last names blanked out):

I left the K in one of the last names since there quite a few Jessica's in ~*OUR CIRCLE OF FRIENDS*~.

She never did put anything reasonable on her wishlist~

Bokchoy is actually an alias, both her first and last name, but I blanked out her last name anyway for the sake of privacy. And 'Catherine' is me, and yes, THAT IS A FLYNN RIDER AVATAR.


The blanked out part before the 'T-T' is 'Bokchoy's' real last name.

'Bokchoy' posted a lot of perverted things on her wishlist. ALL OF WHICH I DO NOT APPROVE OF. /scampers into corner staring neurotically at desktop wallpaper of Flynn and Rapunzel

Ahehehehehe. Thanks.

So punny.

We make a lot of dirty jokes, if you haven't notice yet.

To clarify, on elfster, you could earn 'Elfpoints' by asking questions, posting comments, adding stuff to your wishlist, ect. Van here wanted to have a lot of elfpoints so she spammed everyone with pointless questions...She got really irritating.

Oh 'Bokchoy', I hope you're reading this blog post.

S'all I have to share from Elfster. This blogpost was actually pretty pointless but y'know, FOREVER ALONE with nothing to do but hope my sister bought me Vampire Knight volume 11. /coughackcough

Oops, almost forgot this Tangled fanart drawn on Tegaki-e. Not Christmas-related but IF IT INVOLVES TANGLED, THEN YOU BET IT'S THE HAPPIEST TIME OF THE YEAR! 8D


  1. Happy Christmas Eve, sorry to hear you have to spent it arone D:

    Your tegaki is insanely amazing, btw!

  2. hahah that's really cute. also, love your tegaki!
